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Teddy Scares Series 2

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Eli Wretch

Eli Wretch

Teddy Scares Series 2: Eli WretchEli was bought as a souvenir at a highway rest stop for a trucker's son.When the trucker deserted his family, Eli was thrown to the curb as a painful reminder of a father who wouldn't be back. Name of Deceased: Eli WretchDate of Death: 11/9/73Favorite Color: Gunmetal greyKills Time by: Playing road-kill bingoFavorite Snack: Squirrel jerkyFavorite Scent: Truck stop bathroomsRoad Map: Spent his days wedged on a dusty dashboard viewing the world through a muddy windshield.

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Granger Evermore

Granger Evermore

Teddy Scares Series 2: Granger EvermoreGranger is a captive of his own evil deeds.He tries to find redemption in himself, a task far out of reach.His body is his jail cell, trapped behind the steel bars and barbed wire of his mind.Name of Deceased: Granger EvermoreDate of Death: 9/1/31Yearns to Be: Anywhere but hereHobby: Collecting calendarsPast Occupation: Tattoo artistFavorite Drink: Water with a twang of asbestosHeard in Whispers:


Granger Evermore-Exclusive International Version

Granger Evermore-Exclusive International Version

Teddy Scares Granger Evermore-Exclusive International Version with Gray stripes.


New Products For March - Teddy Scares

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